Saturday, March 12, 2011

Expo reflection

Expo has been a brea experience for me it has help me to challenge myself more. Ahilé sofión with mu group I felt comfterbl nobody did more than others everything one had equal cerdit. What I liked about it was that I got to open my mind to more new information I did not know about alcohol and drugs. What I understand the most is why do most of people us alcohol and drugs. The reason they use it is because most of them have been oppresed by people round them and problems they have. During Expo while doing the circle time I was hearing the adults stories about usin alcohol and drugs never ended in a good way. During expo it made open my mind to see the ways people end up in. This research has been a good exemple for me to see and make sure I do the right thing incase soldons offers me alcool and drugs. This expo has realy touch me and it would be a messin I would like to teach young teen-agers, so they CAN take better exemples in life.

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