Monday, March 14, 2011

save our school

 Save our schools!!!! My name is Maria Barajas and I am  a 8th grader at Urban promise Academy in Oakland, CA. My is a small middle school that gives students a lot of support to go to a good high school. There's a lot of programs that we have for example cheer leading,soccer,tutoring programs. and more. Our teachers are very supported and helpful with our work at school.

  Urban Promise Academy needs supplies,programs, and more. We also need the money so that we as the students have the opportunity to go to field trips. We also need the money so that some our students could get scholar ships for our students to go to a better  high school. the thing that I most would most miss if my school closes is my education because that's the most important thing for me. 

  My education is very important for me. I need the opportunity to go to college to make something out of my life and to have a career. My family wants me to get an education so I can get a good life and to show my brothers a good example.

  Please support my education by letting California vote on the tax extension measure . The future of California depends on high quality education for all.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Expo reflection

Expo has been a brea experience for me it has help me to challenge myself more. Ahilé sofión with mu group I felt comfterbl nobody did more than others everything one had equal cerdit. What I liked about it was that I got to open my mind to more new information I did not know about alcohol and drugs. What I understand the most is why do most of people us alcohol and drugs. The reason they use it is because most of them have been oppresed by people round them and problems they have. During Expo while doing the circle time I was hearing the adults stories about usin alcohol and drugs never ended in a good way. During expo it made open my mind to see the ways people end up in. This research has been a good exemple for me to see and make sure I do the right thing incase soldons offers me alcool and drugs. This expo has realy touch me and it would be a messin I would like to teach young teen-agers, so they CAN take better exemples in life.

College Essay

All my life I have been thinking of what I am planning to do with my life and what I would like to learn more about when I grow up. Well today I know what I want to do and what career I want to take as a grownup. The career I would like to take is to become a neonatal nurse. I have wonder that what I like to do the most is to take care of babies and what better to become a neonatal nurse and take care of new born babies and what treatments I need to give to the babies. I would also like to become a neonatal nurse because I believe it is bautismo to see a new baby is being taken care of with no chance or gettin harmed.

Hi my ñame is Maria D. Barajas Gonzalez and I wad born in Guanajuato,Mexico. I came to the United States when I was 5 years old and I have been living in California for ten years. When I first arrived to California I lived in Oxnard, CA. It was a very safe city and i lived theta for 4 years and then my family decided to move to Oakland, CA. I have been living here for 6 years. I am 13 year old girl who next year is going to high school. Right now I go to a small middle school call Urban Promise Academy. I am a very quiet shy girl who wishes to sometimes come our of her shell and be who I want to be. What it is true is that today I came out of my shell to tell you about my family,challenges,why I am a leader and as you already read about why I whant to become a neonatal nurse and why I whant to gO to collage.

Life in Oakland is very diffrent from Oxnard they both are wonderful but I feel that life in Oakland has made me expediente a lot of challenges. One of many challenges was that my English was not as good as the other students in my class and has to spend 5 years in ELD classes. Today I am in 8th grade and I do not have to attent to ELD classes. Last year it was my lastima year to gO to a.m.boost, a special program for students who need help on English and learn how to write and speak it well laso know as ELD clases. I had to wake up early in the morning go to school before it started and go to my ELD clas. Last year I graduated and this year in 8th grade I dont have to go no more. Clases now are better and easy for me to understand and I am able to speak it. Another challenges I had in life was when I had an interview to apply to go to Washington DC. At the end.of the week I got the wonderful news that I was going to go to the trip. Out of two hundred students only seven got to go and I was one of those students. I had to collect give hundred dollars in about four months it was hardware because me and my family had to collect that money in orden to go to the trip. At the end of those four months I was able to collect that money and I got the best experience of my life. I visit a lot of new places that I never imagine I was going to see like museams and more.Those for me were the most hardest challenges I had to overcome.

Now I have not talo about my family but my family is the most wonderful thing it has happened to me. With out them I would have never went to Washington DC. or made any of my dreams come true. Every person in my family is diffrent but they all have their own way to show love to my sister,brothers and me. Even tough my parents are divorced they never forge that they have the most important Job ,wich is being a parent. They are always there for me when something bad happens to any of my brothers they put their diffrences and come together to help us out.

What I like about Oakland is that not only I have learned how to take Challenges , but to also make museos a a strong and better leader to others. I believe that I am a leader bu a showing my brothers what stepsto take in life and how to overcome challenges. I also relieve that I am a leader because I show how to Respect people and also to fight for the things I believe in. A third reason is that my own family sees me as a leader because they believe I am a good example for my brothers. I am going to show my family to always tollos their dreams annd to never give up.

Now I believe that I should be able to go to College for All because I have shown that in the past that I can be a responsible when I went to Washington DC. Also because all my two and ahalf years that I have been at UPA I have never had problems with another students never gotten one single culture form. Also all my time in UPA I have received good gradesand good cOmments by teachers. What I do need to work on is to try alittle more hardware on my math work. hedores that I jet good grades only one time I got a 2.75 or 50. Thats some of the reasons why I shOuld go to College for all trip.

I feel that everything I have lived so far in my life is going to help me to overcome more challenges in life and is going to help me to go to College and to always believe in what I believe in. Never give up on what I thinking is fight for . In closing, when I grow up all I ask for is for my dreams to come true, to become a neontal nurse. To always have the support of my teachers and friends. I am a very positive person, therefor I Williams agujeta everything I set myself out to do in life.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Alcohol and drugs are defined as items that people use after being oppressed by others. Alcohol is oppressive because it affects you more after drinking, and also your body. Drinking too much can affect your brain not allowing it to think right and your body can lose balance. Drugs are as much oppressive as alcohol; it can also be affected to the people around you.

 For example, if you smoke in front of your kids, it affects them because they’re breathing the same air that comes out if your mouth while smoking that is as if your own child would be smoking, but without a cigarette. When you drink alcohol or use drugs you can become a violent person with others and do things that you wouldn’t if you were on good conditions. If you drink while driving you can lose control and end up into an accident. It can be worst if you’re driving with people that just don’t also affect you but also the people you’re with. Alcohol and drugs aren’t items people should mess around with is something bad that can put you or your family in a risk.


Our school would be better without oppressions. UPA students would feel safe and comfortable inside and outside the campus without being harmed. It would be free from having alcohol and drugs on students. Oakland students would be more focus in their education. Our school could have the possibility to have better grades instead of bad grades. The reason why our students from UPA would succeed is because our campus is free of alcohol and drugs. As students we would feel free of problems because we would be free of alcohol and drugs. We as students would feel happy because we would have the support and love of our surroundings. Teachers and students would be happier because our UPA campus would be free of alcohol and drugs, and the students would be more focus in education.

Dia de los muertos poem

He was a man that made life for everyone change,
a man that never gave up on what he believed in he inspired a lot of people to make good changes
what he did that was really helpful was that he united people to like each other for the way they are and not the way they look,
he is the reason why black and white people are together now with no racism between them
I bet that the person who shot him regrets it cause you never did nothing wrong just help and that's nothing wrong,
one day I wish to make a huge change ust like you did because you are my hero and a lot of people to
your memory will always be in our hearts

To You,
Marthin Luther king JR.

I am

I am a person who doesn't give up
who cares about the people she is surrounded from
a person that would rather die for her family than let them die

I am Mexican and I would never change were I am from
that even tough I am not living there my heart will always be by my country
who wishes nothing more than to go back to her country to see the people she loves

I am a dreamer who wishes to go to college
that one day I can be some one important in life
that my family would feel so  proud of me for making all my wishes come true

I am an outgoing person that is always going to fight for my own rights
never going to give up on what I wish for
to prove that I am a good example for my family

but most of all,
I am a student here at Urban Promise Academy that soon is going to graduate,
and make all her wishes come true and no one is going to stop me.

my america

Millions of people come for a better life
Young people trying to have a better education in life

Amazing opportunities 
Millions of beautiful new places to go to
Earning scholarships to go to college 
Rich to poor people everyone is the same
Immigrants all over the country
Cultures to study about
An opportunity to star all over

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The mask

Why do we wear masks?
Do we hice our fears?
Or do we hide our ethnicity?
You should never hide who you are
The mask that you wear it only lies to yourself and others

Why do we wear the mask?
Do we feel safe with the mask?
If we do who what makes us unsafe?
The only thing you hide from others is yogur true feelings

Why do we wear the mask?
It only hides who we realy are
Is never going to help us to express ourselfs and others
If masks dont help us why do we wear them....?

Monday, March 7, 2011

refection on college for all

       College for all was a an amazing experience that my school provide for the whole 8th grade.What I liked the most about college for all was that I got to visit some of the colleges and even met college students. My favorite college to go was Santa Cruz,what I liked about it was that it had a lot of trees and it looked like a secret forest and that only few people know about. It also seems like a peaceful school that everyone gets along with each other. What I also like about it is that Santa Cruz is that it gives every new student a change to go to college no matter were you come from or or who you are. 

      The other colleges are also good but what I didn't like about it is that is to crowded and it doesn't seem like a school were people get to relax have a moment to them selfs n concentrate on what they are doing. thats mostly it but one thing is for sure is that when I get to go to college I would like to go to Santa Cruz.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


           Our school can gain liberations from theses forms of oppressions by going to talk to a counselor, or a teacher when a student has a problem at school or home. Another way we can gain liberation is to go to a rehab center,a place were people can help you to liberate from alcohol and drugs. The school should have more order and be more strict with bulling at school. As a community and family what we can do is support them and know that people with problems with alcohol and drugs can always count on us. What I can do to recommend is to first of all to always get help from a person you trust the most.

All about me

         I am a very shy girl who  likes to be with her friends. Sometimes it is hard for me to be an outgoing person but after I try new things I start liking them more and that makes me feel afterwords that I am able to do a lot of things that my mind and body are scare to do. What I like to do even tough I don't do it as often is to travel so far my favorite place to visit and I would like to go again is Washington DC. When I grow up what I would like to do the most is to travel to Mexico n every state of the United States. My favorite color is purple and every and I'm crazy for purple if you go to my room you will find everything color purple.The only thing for sure that I would do for anything is my family my family is everything to me they are always next to me when I need them the most. My favorite holiday to celebrate is my birthday even tough for the whole world is not a special holiday for them for me and my family is a special day. What makes me the most proud of my self is the roots that I have of being Mexican. Well thats most about me and I hope you have learn something about me.